What’s your process?

Another result of my natural process ~ February 2024

Dear friend,

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I used to post short videos regularly. Then at some point, I just stopped.

Lately, I’ve been feeling drawn to making videos again. So I recorded one today. It’s one minute long, and it talks about following our natural process.

It’s especially interesting to me to observe that I do *just that* when making these videos. I’ve learned that I have 2 choices. I can either pick up my phone, hit record, and start talking, or I can obsess about every aspect of the video and end up feeling terrible. 

Some of this stems from my inner critic for sure, and I continue to find ways to soften that harsh voice. But some of it is simply about doing things in ways that work for us rather than trying to approach them the way other people do (which reminds me of this video from a few years ago).

So that’s my invitation: Let’s notice what works naturally for us and bring more of that into our lives. 

Before I close, I want to share a slightly updated version of the co-author checklist I sent out in November. Thanks to those who have offered feedback! It is still a work in progress, so please keep your input coming. (I realized too late that I had uploaded the file in a way that broke the original link, and I couldn’t resurrect it. Sorry about that. I think I now have it set so future updates will show up at the current link.)

I hope to be in touch soon to announce phase 2 of the STANDOUT Professor Confab (ProfConfab) pilot and some other fun things I have in the hopper, so please stay tuned! Don't hesitate to reach out in the meantime.

As always, thanks for being here, and thanks for being you.

Elizabeth Odders-White


A litmus test and a time-sensitive offering


The North Wind, the Sun, and a time-sensitive new offering