Academic leaders
Leadership roles provide incredible opportunities for learning and growth and can also lead to burnout and overwhelm, especially if you're an introvert who is accustomed to controlling your own calendar and having ample alone-time to think. Leaders from underrepresented groups may face additional challenges, like having to prove themselves in order to successfully influence others.
And the complexity of the context in which academic leaders operate seems to increase every day.
I hope the resources below will help you thrive amid the challenges, staying grounded in your values and inspired by the critical importance of this work.
You may also wish to check out resources for mid-career academics.
Blog posts
Mini-Course: Manage Stress by Shifting Your Self-Talk
Let’s face it. Life isn’t easy, and it often feels like there’s so much outside our control. In this course we’ll cover simple strategies for shifting our self-talk to gain a greater sense of calm, increased energy, & improved overall wellbeing.
Well in the Lead: an academic leader’s companion
Though we may not be able to eliminate the hardships we face, small shifts in our thinking and behavior can have a significant impact on our experience. In this course, we’ll focus on that voice inside our head—the one that provides a running commentary on every move we make—and learn to use it intentionally rather than letting it run amok.
It's hard to believe that we’ve already arrived at the final post in the Leading Life series! Where has the time gone? We’ll wrap up by spending a few minutes focusing on… focus.