Mid-career academics
Congratulations! You've been riding the roller coaster of academic life for several years now, and you've lived to tell the tale!
If you're a recently tenured faculty member, you may be grappling with new-found freedom after years of tunnel vision. Questions surrounding how hard to keep pushing and what service roles to take on may be paramount, along with how to regain energy and rekindle your intellectual curiosity now that the grueling tenure process is behind you.
If you've had tenure for a while, you may have grown tired of your original research agenda and want to try something new. Or maybe you've been overloaded with service commitments and need to find ways to say no.
For mid-career academic staff members, questions of professional growth or ongoing concerns about job security may be top of mind. You may also be feeling worn down after years of navigating the complex and sometimes frustrating power dynamics of a higher-ed setting.
Whatever your role, you might be considering stepping into a leadership position or pondering leaving academia altogether.
In any case, I hope the resources below help you find clarity and a sense of peace as you consider what's next.
You may also wish to check out tools for early-career academics and higher-ed leaders.
Blog posts
Mini-Course: Manage Stress by Shifting Your Self-Talk
Let’s face it. Life isn’t easy, and it often feels like there’s so much outside our control. In this course we’ll cover simple strategies for shifting our self-talk to gain a greater sense of calm, increased energy, & improved overall wellbeing.
I got tenure. Now what do I do?
There are so many paths to pursue.
I’m not sure where I’ll go,
But there’s one thing I know.
Yep, some “me time” is long overdue.