Limericks for the recently tenured
I had fun dashing off some “Limericks for the Recently Tenured” on the theme of setting boundaries and honoring ourselves. Here are a few. Please send me your post-tenure limerick!
I got tenure. Now what do I do?
There are so many paths to pursue.
I’m not sure where I’ll go,
But there’s one thing I know.
Yep, some “me time” is long overdue.
I got tenure. You’d think I’d be cheery.
But the process has left me bone-weary.
Now it’s time for self-care,
Lots of sleep and fresh air…
Just the thought of it makes me get teary.
I got tenure, the “ultimate prize.”
But the road here is one I despise.
I was hard on myself,
Put my life on a shelf.
Baby, now is my time to arise.