Limericks for the recently tenured
I got tenure. Now what do I do?
There are so many paths to pursue.
I’m not sure where I’ll go,
But there’s one thing I know.
Yep, some “me time” is long overdue.
Anatomy of a “no”
I know we’re all busy—thus, the need to say no!—so let’s dive right in. The next time you’re presented with a request, how about giving the following steps a try?

Staring down resistance
So why am I sitting here staring at a blank computer screen rather than happily typing away, letting the words magically flow from my fingers? Because I’ve got nothing. Sound familiar? Sigh. Resistance sucks.

To everything there is a season (turn turn turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes)
I easily get stuck in what I’m doing, possibly because I sometimes have the ability to be focused and determined (generally a good thing) and possibly because I find it impossible to leave well enough alone.

To-do-list tantrums? NAH.
I have an unfortunate tendency to feel burdened by a sense of responsibility and obligation. Thankfully, I’ve stumbled upon some simple strategies that have helped me deal with almost any to-do list.