Leading Life: Trust me
Today we’ll turn our attention to a critical ingredient of all successful relationships, both personal and professional: trust.

Notes to self
I invite you to join me as I practice saying yes to whatever comes—the pleasant and the unpleasant, the planned and the unforeseen, the ups and the downs.

Staring down resistance
So why am I sitting here staring at a blank computer screen rather than happily typing away, letting the words magically flow from my fingers? Because I’ve got nothing. Sound familiar? Sigh. Resistance sucks.

Teaching… and learning
Students, colleagues, family members,… people in general will sometimes do things that make us feel “less than.” It often has nothing to do with you.

To everything there is a season (turn turn turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes)
I easily get stuck in what I’m doing, possibly because I sometimes have the ability to be focused and determined (generally a good thing) and possibly because I find it impossible to leave well enough alone.

I’ve been there
I think that one of the biggest mistakes we make in academia is not revealing our struggles, anxieties, and missteps for fear of being judged as not enough. And I see this as a HUGE miss.

Introducing The STANDOUT Professor blog!
Welcome to the very first post of The STANDOUT Professor blog! The overarching goal of The STANDOUT Professor community is to help faculty and leaders who challenge stereotypes thrive. I hope that you’ll feel a sense of belonging here and that the resources on the site will make your life at least a little easier… happier… better.