Leading Life: A value proposition?
In the first post in the Leading Life series, I shared simple steps for crafting a life-purpose statement. Here, we’ll focus on clarifying our values.

Leading Life: It’s all you
Whether you’re a higher-ed leader trying to maintain some sense of balance or someone who simply wants to spend a bit more time focusing on things that matter, I think you’ll find tools here that can help.

To thine own self be true
In the past week, two different people have shared the same quote with me: “The way we do anything is the way we do everything.”

To everything there is a season (turn turn turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes)
I easily get stuck in what I’m doing, possibly because I sometimes have the ability to be focused and determined (generally a good thing) and possibly because I find it impossible to leave well enough alone.
One more thing
What’s nagging at me is the suspicion that my swiftfootedness is tied less to some deep sense of clarity and more to my status as a card-carrying member of the productivity-junkie (aka pro-junk) club.