Not sure where to start?
Let’s find what you need.
Sometimes we know exactly what we’re looking for, and sometimes we have no idea. The many competing demands of an academic career can easily put us in a state of overdrive, rushing from one thing to the next with little time to breathe, let alone reflect on where we are and what we need.
So let’s figure out where to begin.
If you’re looking for live interaction, whether one-on-one or in a group, please check out the Guided support section below. For content you can consume on your own, the Self-directed support area offers a variety of resources covering a wide range of topics including productivity, self-trust, and even Oreos. We’ve grouped this content into different categories in hopes of helping you identify the resources that are most valuable for you.
If you’re still not sure where to look, or if there's something in particular you're hoping to find, please let me know. I'd love to help. And don’t forget to sign up to receive updates so you’ll be among the first to know when I add new content or offerings.