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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Support as you look back and move forward

Wherever you are on the roller coaster, I want you to know how much I appreciate that we’re on this ride together. And I’m excited to share a couple of new resources that I hope will help as we wrap up 2024 and usher in the new year.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

New ways to reflect, engage, and celebrate

Where has the time gone? I have to admit that I haven’t gotten nearly as much done as I’d planned this fall. It’s not for lack of trying. Somehow even my pared-down list of goals is proving to be unrealistic. Luckily, I have people in my life who remind me of everything I have accomplished.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Looking ahead while savoring what’s left of summer

Slowing down that speeding train doesn’t mean failing to prepare for what’s coming. It just means we don’t let it completely take over. Maybe we can start by reflecting on how we want to feel as we embark on a new academic year and then set an intention for August that honors that.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Summer stress and a ProfCon nudge

It’s June, so if your life revolves around the Northern Hemisphere’s typical academic calendar, you may be enjoying a slightly slower pace. Still, for many of us, our summer vision represents an unattainable mix of uber productivity and extreme leisure. This balancing act can cause stress, which may in turn lead to rumination.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

What’s your process?

Let’s notice what works naturally for us and bring more of that into our lives.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

The North Wind, the Sun, and a time-sensitive new offering

I’ve been reflecting a lot on gentleness and ease lately. Whether I’m consciously letting things unfold in their own time—a lofty goal for my impatient self—or trusting that challenges are gifts in disguise, I’m setting a clear intention to bring a greater sense of peace to my life and the lives of others.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Do you see what I see?

First, let’s stop calling ourselves imposters for once and for all. Please. Whatever job we're in, we deserve to be there. And our colleagues need our wisdom, perspective, and expertise.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

I almost didn’t send this.

First and foremost, let's remember that we can always step away. This strategy is so simple yet so effective. Just google <importance of taking regular breaks> if you need convincing. I've also found that it can be remarkably difficult to accomplish when we're deep into the bog, so it takes patience and practice.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Sometimes things don’t go as planned

What if we knew that imperfection exists only in our minds, a trick we play on ourselves, a way to create fear of scarcity and “not-enoughness” when neither exists? How would that understanding change things?

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White


Relationships can be complicated.

I almost feel like I could stop there and let you fill in the rest yourself, friend. We all know how tricky it can be to navigate interactions with other humans, and we each have our own stories of both marvelous and painful encounters, sometimes with the same person.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Coming up for air

First, let’s give ourselves grace. On a practical level, grace offers a reprieve from the constant slew of demands, providing space to focus on our own needs. Mentally, grace is a kinder, gentler response to the inner voice that screams when we don’t knock everything off our massive to-do lists because we prioritized our own well-being.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Words still matter

I’d like to return to the fundamental idea that we needn’t believe everything we think. This can be a game changer. It allows us to get curious about our limiting beliefs or other unhelpful thoughts, and we can learn so much in the process.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Words matter

Given our goal of releasing things that hold us back and amplifying things that help us shine, let's explore how we might harness the power of our self-talk for good rather than evil.

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Drew White Drew White

Out of focus

The busier and more overwhelmed we are, the harder it is to carve out time to determine what matters most and to honor those priorities. And yet, these are exactly the times when it’s crucial.

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Elizabeth Odders-White Elizabeth Odders-White

Feeling uncertain?

Once I know what I’m dealing with and what needs to be done, I’m on it, even if it’s challenging. But when I’m not sure, I can spend all day running in mental circles. 

Is any of this familiar to you?

If so, let’s spend a few minutes breaking it down.

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